Shabir Abdul Samadh
MSc. Computer Science
Advanced Networking Research LabSchool of Computer Science, McGill University
McConnell Engineering Building (Room #224)
3480 University St. Montreal, QC.
H3A 0E9, Canada
shabir.abdulsamadh@mail.mcgill.ca | @shabirmean | shabirmean
He’s the best TA at McGill and this is coming from a student who has been here for 5 years.
Submission #1449576
Well, I just want to say thank you to this TA Shabir. He helped me with both the course materials and assignments and I really appreciate it. He is absolutely reachable from discussion board and also the Facebook, and he clarifies things in details such as class material, assignments etc. Each time I sent him an email and asked him for help , he was so patient and willing to help and indeed it made me easier to understand. Shabir is one of the best TAs that I ever had in McGill so far, love him so much. Thanks!
Submission #1434322
Shabir was constantly answering discussing board/facebook question and emails with comprehensive responses! His efforts far surpassed the average TA!!!!
Submission #1447399
Shabir was a fantastic TA; one of the best I have ever had. He was very active on the facebook page answering questions and the one time I interacted with him in person he was very helpful. I also really appreciated how when I submitted an assignment that did not run properly, he took the time to read my code rather than just giving me a 0. I hope I have him again sometime!
Submission #1451348
Shabir was extremely helpful in his responses to questions asked on the class discussion board. This helped me understand a number of difficult concepts to use on assignments.
Submission #1430672
He is a perfect TA. Him taking the time to give detailed answers on both the discussion forum and the FB page is something amazing that I'm sure every student appreciated massively.
Submission #1441968
Shabir is an excellent TA. Best TA in McGill I've had so far. Always reply my emails very fast and explains questions in a very clear fashion. int main(){ while(1){ puts("Shabir is the best"); } }
Submission #1426876
Shabir was quick to answer everyone's questions that were posted in the COMP 206 Facebook group. He explained concepts clearly, and in great detail. I have never seen a TA been so active in a Facebook group for a class, and be so helpful. He helped so many students throughout the entire semester. He also marked one of my assignments, and gave me great feedback! One of the best TAs at Mccill!
Submission #1449173
He was an absolute G in the facebook group. Also in the discussion boards. Posted helpful links, sample code, etc. What a guy.
Submission #1429669
He was very active on the Facebook group and answered questions in a clear, concise and swift manner.
Submission #1445873
10/10. I don't think I've ever seen a T.A. work so hard and answer so many questions.
Submission #1442028
I didn't interact in person, but his online presence was immensely useful!
Submission #1440245
Shahir has been the best TA I’ve ever had. Very fast replying emails and questions on discussion boards.
Submission #1436468
He was always available to answer students' questions online(facebook) and he also gave clear explanations when asked questions.
Submission #1408612